It's Made in Taiwan

It's well-made, and it's NOT made in China

If you appreciate quality products, buying "Made in Taiwan" is a great choice. Unfortunately, it isn't always easy to find such products -- even if you live in Taiwan.

China, our neighbor across the Strait, floods the market with goods which are not necessarily cheap but which are often inferior, sometimes even poisonous. Nothing of that nature is worth any amount of money you may save.

6:43 YouTube video: "It's Very Well Made in Taiwan"

Buy made in Taiwan. I do so whenever I can.

Finding products that are made in Taiwan
Here are two Google searches to which you can adjust to find what you're looking for:
* Hanzi: 台灣製造 OR 台灣製 OR 產地台灣 -中國 "product name" (three ways to say "Made in Taiwan," omit results with "China")
* English: "Made in Taiwan" OR "country of origin Taiwan" "product name"
About the blogger
Tim Maddog is an American who has made Taiwan his home for many years. He is also the administrator of Taiwan Matters, a group blog on Taiwan politics.

4:28 YouTube video: "伍佰 - 台灣製造"
(Translation: Wu Bai: Made in Taiwan [MV])